Belevation's New Postpartum Compression Garments
For the past 10 years Belevation has supported expectant Moms through all of pregnancy's roughest moments. Who can forget 1st trimester nausea and exhaustion, or 2nd and 3rd trimester back pain and swollen ankles?
After more than a decade making maternity undergarments, Belevation is taking the plunge with you into the next stage of pregnancy; Postpartum & Beyond.
As you know, giving birth is not for sissies. Vaginal Delivery or C-Section, it goes without saying that there's lots of blood, guts, swelling, tears and pain.
How about getting on track with breastfeeding for the first time? Remember to drink a lot and get support from experienced professionals since despite the myths, no one was ever born knowing how to breastfeed.
What about the multitudes of friends and relatives who will come to visit you, when all you want to do is take a nap? (Eat their casseroles, say thank you and hand them that baby for awhile, so you can get some SLEEP!)
Yes, you will need lots of help - especially for the first couple of weeks or maybe even for the first few months when you won't feel much like yourself. You'll actually be wondering "Will I ever feel like myself again?"
Then there's the annoying folks who ask "when are you going to have another?", immediately after you've popped out this one. Well, Belevation has long been asked "do we make Postpartum Belly Bands or Shapewear?” Now wholeheartedly we can say, "yes we do!"
Available for sale online in mid-October 2018, Belevation's new Postpartum line will include a Seamless compression Belly Band, a Postpartum & Beyond Shapewear PettiPant , Seamless Activewear Leggings and solid Postpartum Leggings, all with built-in compression to support the abdominal area, hips and back.
After giving birth, everything will feel new to you. There will be new daily schedules or for awhile, perhaps no schedule at all. But don't think for a minute that you have to go it alone. Find your tribe on a park bench or at an infant/mom play or exercise group in your area.
Try Belevation's new compression Belly Bands or our Activewear Postpartum Leggings and tell your friends about them too. We are proud to report that the Fit4Mom Pinehurst, NC group, (with lots of awesome Ft. Bragg, NC military moms) served as testers for our new locally-made postpartum seamless apparel.
Consistent with Belevation's reputation for offering quality, US made products at affordable prices, our technical staff has spent a great deal of time perfecting these new postpartum items.
For Pregnancy, Postpartum & Beyond, Belevation is an expectant Mom's go-to best source for seamless support garments.
We love taking this journey with you, today and always.